
The Healing Process Chakra Meditation

Chakra Cleansing

The first step to clearing is to become aware of the Power of Love within you and flowing into you through your crown and root chakras. You can do this practice anywhere, day or night, inside or outside. To begin, bring your awareness to your heart, and with all the Love you can feel, send that Love down your spine, down into the earth, and down, down, down to the heart of Mother Earth. Then wait until you feel her Love return to you, and allow it to flow throughout your being, drawing it up your spine to your crown chakra, if you are able. Next from your heart send Love up through your spine out the top of your head and up, up, up to the heart of the Sun. You can visualize this love as a beam of light flowing from your heart to the heart of the sun. Then again wait until the sun sends his Love back down to you. Many people have difficulty initially, connecting through their root chakras to Mother Earth, but everyone I have worked with is able to connect through the crown chakra to the sun and to feel the sun return the Divine Love. It is effective to do this practice working with the crown chakra and the Divine Light that flows through the sun alone. If you are using the solar energy alone, just draw it in through your crown chakra on the in-breath. If you are also working with Mother Earth, draw up her energy at the same time you draw down the solar energy, allowing the two energies to meet at the chakra you are clearing. Use your breath and intention to draw in the Divine Light on the in-breath to the center of your head, gently expanding the crown chakra to receive more Divine Light with each in-breath, and expanding like a star, radiating Divine Light in all directions from the center of your head on the out-breath. Keep breathing like that, expanding the crown chakra on the in-breath, and expanding the center of the third eye, in the center of the head, on the out-breath, until you feel the crown chakra expand to the full diameter of your head or near that size. Then you are ready to call a large and powerful column of Divine Light down through your crown chakra to clear the other chakras. With your intention you can change the quality of the Divine Light flowing in by calling for a cleansing ray of Light or for the highest intensity or highest frequency of Light you are able to receive. Then using your breath and intention to direct the light, you can bring it into each chakra in turn, first clearing the front, then the back of each chakra with the cleansing Divine Light. If you are working with Mother Earth, then also draw her light up to the chakra you are clearing. There is an infinite supply of Divine Light, so once you open your crown chakra to that Divine Light flowing through the sun, you don\’t have to use much of your own energy to do the clearing; just use your energy to direct the Divine Light where you need it.

The next step is to go through your chakras one by one and feel/see if they are open or blocked. If a chakra is blocked, send Love there, drawing in the Divine Love through your crown and root chakras on your in-breath bringing that Divine Light to the affected chakra, then pushing out the Divine Love with your out-breath at both the front and the back of the chakra, expanding the chakra with each out-breath, as you expand your crown and root chakras to receive more Divine Light with each in-breath. As you continue expanding the affected chakra to its full diameter and allowing a cleansing ray of Divine Light to flow through, dark or draining cords from other entities will be expelled and dissolved in the Divine Light. Those dense structures can not exist in the intensity of the Divine Light. So although it is natural to contract and to shield when feeling under attack or invaded, it is actually by expanding and opening the affected chakra and allowing the full intensity of Divine Light to flow through that that dark and draining energies and structures are released. Sometimes minor chakras like the sides of the head, the soles of the feet or hands, and even the backs of the knees can be affected, so check everywhere. You can call on angels or guides to help you with this process. If you are having trouble clearing a particular chakra, try sending out laser beams of powerful clearing Love to dissolve anything that is not of Love. You can also send out high-intensity bursts of Love to clear a chakra and dislodge anything present there. You can do all these things even if you cannot clearly feel or see any entities. I recommend practicing this clearing technique at least once a day. Call it energy hygiene. Also remember if a chakra (energy center) still feels heavy or blocked after your clearing, you probably have emotions you need to release from that place. Use your intuition to get in touch with the emotions and let them go. When I am releasing guilt or shame or fear or self-hate in this way I usually see/feel it as a dark stream of energy flowing out of the affected chakra or chakras. It usually takes a little while for it to all flow out.